Updated Every 3-5 Days

TJMCOAA Donation Details


Given the escalating situation with COVID-19, our donation program of dry and hot noodle will end early by March 15th. We are extremely proud to announce that since February 13th, we have collected $18,923 as part of our We Stand With Wuhan initiative. The check for this amount is in the mail to the Tongji Medical College Overseas Alumni Association (TJMCOAA). These funds have and will be exclusively used to help and support the local hospitals and clinicians in Wuhan. many of whom are Sumiao’s friends from her university days. We are very grateful for your help and support.

Donation Updates

3/8 – 3/15

Donation from Sumiao’s Family and Friends



2/29 – 3/7

2/22 – 2/28

Check Donation from a Guest


2/13 – 2/21


A message from our founder

Dear Guest,

You’ve probably heard by now about the coronavirus in Wuhan, China. It’s unfortunate that for most people outside China, this event is their first introduction to that beautiful city.

For me, Wuhan is a deeply important part of my story. I spent five years in the 1980s there as a student at Tongji Medical College. Wuhan is where I was trained to be a doctor, medical scientist and became independent; met my husband, and found lifelong friends, many of whom are being on the frontline of the fight against this virus as clinicians in the local hospitals.

My heart aches for Wuhan and for my friends who put themselves at risk to fulfill their calling. In my current position, it pains me that there is not much I can do to help them directly. What little I can do is to represent Wuhan through the medium we Chinese love the most: food.

For the next eight weeks from February 16 to April 12, Sumiao will be offering Wuhan’s most famous street food, Hot Dry Noodles 热干面 as a special addition and Beef & Egg Rice Noodles 湖南卤粉 chosen from our regular menu as my way to show solidarity between my home province and the city that adopted me. We offer Hot Dry Noodles in appetizer size to allow more guests to fit it into their meal as a side dish. On behalf of you and Sumiao Hunan Kitchen, all revenue from these two dishes will be donated to the Tongji Medical College Oversea Alumni Association (TJMCOAA). These funds will be exclusively used to help and support the local hospitals and clinicians in Wuhan .

The small money represent our best efforts, love and support, including the strong solidarity.

I hope that one day, when this virus is a distant memory, you will find the chance to visit Wuhan to sail down the Yangtze River, see the East Lake teeming with lotus flowers and surrounded by cherry blossoms, and climb the 2,000 year-old Yellow Crane Tower. And of course, have some Hot Dry Noodles. That’s the Wuhan I know and love.

For now, please join me in slurping these noodles as we hold Wuhan in our hearts.


相信你已经听说了新型冠状病毒正肆虐于中国武汉, 对于很多外国人来说,也许恰恰因为这个不幸的事件而第一次知道武汉,这个美丽的江边城市。

而武汉却是我的人生中至关重要的一站。八十年代, 青春年少的我从家乡湖南去武汉求学,在同济医学院学习了五年。在那里,我梦想着成为一名救死扶伤的医生和医学科学家, 并成长为一个独立的个体;在那里,我遇到了我的爱人,收获了爱情和终身伴侣,结识了许多相伴一生的知心朋友;而当下尤为重要的是,我留守在武汉的所有医生同学正战斗在抵抗新冠病毒的临床医疗前线。

我为武汉心痛,更心疼每一位冒着被感染的危险,夜以继日地抢救病人的医生同学!而远隔重洋的我却苦于没有更多好办法可以直接帮助到他们。终于我想,我应该可以用中国人最通俗常用的文化情感载体来展示我心中的武汉, 来联结跟我一样牵挂武汉的人们:美食。


希望不久的一天,当病毒之灾远离我们,你会有机会探访武汉,尽情泛舟扬子江,畅游荷花盛开的东湖,徜徉于珞珈山的樱花之海,登高千年黄鹤楼…… 当然,你一定要去吃一碗热干面。这一切,才是我想告诉你的我心中珍藏和热爱的武汉。



Sumiao Chen
Founder, Sumiao Hunan Kitchen



Where is Wuhan?

Wuhan is in the center of China. It sits in a crucial point along the Yangtze river and has served as a key strategic and commercial center for the entire South-Central part of China for millennia.

Watch a video to knowing more about Wuhan
https://youtu.be/DmMX4S_FmkU Chinese Version
https://youtu.be/RirxVLDMllA English Version

What is Wuhan known for?

Wuhan is the 9th most populous city in China, with 11 million residents (for comparison, New York City has 9 million). Because of its central location, Wuhan is known as the “Chicago of the East,” a major transportation distribution center for agricultural and manufactured goods.

In recent history, Wuhan was the site of the Wuchang Uprising of 1911 which toppled the Qing Dynasty, the last dynasty of China.

The most famous sites are the Yellow Crane Tower and the East Lake. But don’t go in the summer! It’s known as one of the hottest cities in China.

What are Hot Dry Noodles?

A bowl of al dente dry noodle drizzled with hot and savory sesame sauce, sprinkled with chopped spring onion. Traditionally, it is eaten for breakfast since it’s so fast and easy to prepare. A poor med student could eat it all day, though!

Who is Tongji Medical College Overseas Alumni Association (TJMCOAA)?
Tongji Medical College is a top medical school in Wuhan, China. It became part of the newly established Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in 2000. Affiliated hospitals include: Wuhan Union Hospital, Wuhan Tongji Hospital, Wuhan Cancer Hospital and seven other hospitals in total.

TJMCOAA is a United States IRS registered 501(C)(3) organization. It is an independent, nonpolitical, not-for-profit and a volunteer-based association for all overseas TJMC (Tongji Medical College, Wuhan) alumni.

Where does the donation go?

The donation will be used to purchase urgent medical supplies, including but not limited to personal protective equipment (PPE), such as caps, masks, goggles and gowns for the doctors, nurses, and patients in Wuhan Union Hospital 武汉协和医院, Wuhan Tongji Hospital 武汉同济医院 and other Wuhan hospitals in demand.

Donation details will be updated regularly on this page.

How do I donate directly?

If you would like to donate directly to TJMCOAA, see below for donations:

1. Bank Checks (preferred): Payable to TJMCOAA.
Mailing Address: Dr Ling Lin Xie, Rm217BCater-Mattil 2253 TAMU, College Station, TX 77845
After donation,please email Finance Section of TJMCOAA (tjmcoaa2017@gmail.com) for tax exemption proof if needed。

2. Wire Transfer:
Account Name: TongJi Medical College Overseas Alumni Association
Account: 801467016
ABAROUTING: 2710-7080-1

3.PayPal: Please visit TJMCOAA website: http://www.tjmcoaa.org/

4. Payment for Domestic Alumni:
Contact: Huang Yafei (黄亚非), School of Basic Medicine, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
(1) WeChat: hyf13628627928 (transfer money after adding friends)
(2) Bank Account: 6215583202004871344,
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), Guangyuan Branch, Wuhan, China